2. Command Option Lists

This docs is aim to describe all existing options in the vcgif.

2.1. Video path

The option -v or --video is used for indicate the video path.


vcgif -v /var/www/video.mp4

2.2. Picture path

The option -p or --picture is used for indicate your picture path, you can have multiple pictures path exist.


vcgif -p /var/www/pic1.png /var/www/pic2.png

2.3. Gif start time

The option -st or --start-timestamp is mark the start time from the video. picture is not require use this option.

default value is 0


vcgif -st 10

2.4. Gif duration time

The option -gd or --gif-duration is the display time for your gif.

default value is 5


vcgif -gd 10

2.5. Frames per second

The option -fps or --fps is for the frames per second of output gif.

default value is 15


vcgif -fps 20

2.6. Gif quality

The option -q or --quality is indicate your gif quality.

default value is ``low``, you can use ``high`` to generate high quality gif


vcgif -q high

2.7. Gif file destination

The option -dest or --destination is indicate your output file path.

default value is ``.``


vcgif -dest /var/www/gif

2.8. Gif file name

The option -n or --name is your gif file name.

default value is uuid random string (do not need add file extension at the end)


vcgif -n my_gif